2014 Lancaster Gardens on Display
Key: F = Front S = Side B = Back 1 = Water Garden/Features 2 = Shade Garden
3 = Rock Garden 4 = Wheelchair/stroller accessible 5 = Easy walking
6 = Uneven ground 7 = Garden Art 8 = Cottage Style 9 = English Border
10 = Bird/Butterfly Garden 11 = Specimen Tree 12 = Asian Garden A = Art/Artist*
N = night garden showing Friday July 18 (8:45pm – 11:00pm) NEW FEATURE
* Art feature this year:
Some gardens will feature Art displayed and Artists. Artists are listed in garden descriptions.
Albert Drive
44 Albert Drive
Rose and Sam Molė invite you to small gardens, several water features with water lilies and water plants, many hand painted statues, potted plants, hanging plants and small veggie plot. Includes lights for nighttime viewing of the garden. FB 1, 5, 7
122 Albert Drive
Michael Injaychock invites you to sit on the patio, relax and enjoy the shade from the large Japanese Maple tree. Look around to see smoke bushes, hostas, hanging baskets, ferns and grasses. The soothing sound of the fountains and the sighting of yellow finches is a delight. B1,3,5,7
Aurora St.
92 Aurora Street
Jeff and Cindy Moore welcome everyone to come see the results of a self-made garden that is still continuing to grow. Their garden is going on its fourth year and they try to add some more color and fill in each year. They showcase a beautiful Magnolia tree. They take a lot of pride in their garden and strive to keep it perfect!
FSB 4,5,11
732 Aurora Street (in the town)
Between William and Clinton sits Julie and Dan Curtis’ residentially owned business Two Chicks and A Rooster. On their one acre piece of paradise you will find why they love to vacation in the yard! Sixteen years of self-created and maintained landscape with creative design and pieces added every year - some they make, some they recycle. They find new homes for old stuff, a purpose for something that perhaps didn’t have one, and they believe something can be planted in just about anything. They have hundreds of perennials and always add some annuals for a dash of color in just the right place. You will find spots of shade, spots of sun, and water features that are pleasing to the eye and rhythmic to the ear. This year they’ve added a bordering rock garden that envelops the cottage-like addition that’s been added to the front. The gift shop will be open and you’ll even see the Rooster’s workshop! Take a peaceful and pleasant stroll while you see beauty in their garden. Enjoy, and they look forward to your visit. They are also participants in the National Buffalo Garden Festival, Open Garden Series.
Artists: Peg Riexinger: Her oil paintings are mostly nature based and inspired from pictures she has taken. She has exhibited at: Roycroft’s Canvas and Cocktails, Burchfield Penny, Lancaster Opera House, Twin Village Shows and in a member of Twin Village Art Society. Visit her website to see her additional form of artwork…face and body painting at www.brushdancebodyart.com. Saturday 10am – 4pm
Eddie Malkiewicz: South Wales musician Sunday 1pm – 4pm.
Laike Palermo: Lancaster Art Academy alumni Sunday 1pm – 4pm
Ashley Favata: Lancaster Art Academy alumni Sunday 10am – 1pm
FSB 1, 2, 3,5,7,8,10, A,N
Bowen Road (in the Town)
3717 Bowen Road (Bowen near William)
Carol Abenschein welcomes you to a small woodland section of the garden. She has fifty named daylily varieties, over two hundred hosta varieties and many unusual shrubs and perennials. F 2,5,11
Brandel Ave.
27 Brandel Ave.
Al and Kathy Tiernan welcome you to come and visit “Tiernan Gardens”. The three-season perennial borders are along the south side and back of the house and perimeter of the yard. They look forward to your visit!
SB 2,5
31 Brandel Ave.
The Shafers welcome you to their mid 19th century property featuring gardens filled with a colorful mix of perennials and crocks filled with several varieties of annuals. A fish pond and rock garden round out their offerings.
Artist: Olivia Penna: Lancaster Art Academy artist Sunday 10am – 2pm
SB 1,3,4,5,7,8 A
74 Brandel Ave.
Brian & Sharon Dadswell welcome all to a small village lot with no lawn, all garden. Mixed with mostly perennials, a small koi pond and waterfall provide water for a very unique birdbath. Over fifty different varieties of plants exist, with most grown from seed or cuttings. Two pergolas complete the garden.
FSB 1,4,5,6,10
5329 Broadway
A returning favorite! Betsy Moll is able to show her garden on SATURDAY ONLY!!! After notifying neighbors within 300 feet of their property, they received permission from the Lancaster Village Board in 2013 to host a bee hive on their property. With 3+ years total of beekeeping experience they can share information on how to get started with this fascinating hobby. Stop by early to get the times for the free bee seminar. FSB
5466 Broadway (Lancaster Public Library)
The Lancaster Public Library offers a front display filled with hostas, daylilies, geraniums, dianthus and snapdragons. The side garden features bleeding hearts and ornamental grasses. Continuing to the back visitors will be greeted with a shade garden, coneflower, hosta, daylilies, Russian sage and sunflowers. New this year a water feature has been added to the front garden.FSB 1,2
5585 Broadway
Welcome to the Stansberry-Yedinak’s gardens! They have a large village lot with two gazebos an archway and lots of perennials including several types of hosta, butterfly bushes, exquisite torch lilies, sedum and a fifteen foot rose of Sharon! The side gardens are forever changing but promise to be beautiful. Come check it out for yourself. FSB 2,6, A
5748 Broadway (In the Town, corner of Steinfeld Rd.)
Come visit Larona and Charles Kunselman where a large garden on a gentle slope with beds divided by patio block walkways. There are 300 daylilies, and much more around a concrete porch and patio. Their garden wall is an additional feature. FSB 2,6
11241 Broadway (in the Hamlet of Townline)
Joseph Heary welcomes all to visit this 2 acre property of raised beds, fruit trees, wooded area, and walkways. Hundreds of hostas with roses, daylilies, and rhododendron are some of what is in store for visitors to this wonderful garden. FSB 1,2,6,10
Burwell Avenue
71 Burwell
John and Becky Kasinski welcome you to their little piece of heaven. Enjoy a relaxing stroll through their 18 gardens. This years latest additions include a new woodsy garden, showing their friend “Harry the weeping larch” and a custom built 12´x 14´ carriage house inspired shed. FSB 2,5,8,11
Christen Court
44 Christen Court
Tonya and Doug Bradford invite you into another water featured backyard. The large waterfall was hand-built with handpicked stones. Find an assortment of grasses and perennials, along with an assortment of pink flowers that make this backyard their own private retreat. Meander around and enjoy the variety! FB 1,3,5
Como Park Blvd.
1818 Como Park Blvd.
New this year is Elderwood at Lancaster and their courtyard flower and vegetable garden which is in the heart of their residents’ summertime activity. The beautiful gardens build a sense of community amongst the different generations that help tend to it. Stop by and say hello, they will love it!
Artists: Gina Guida: Lancaster Art Academy Saturday 10am – 1pm
Page Marki: Lancaster Art Academy Sunday Noon – 3pm
FB 3,4,5,7 A
2006 Como Park Blvd.
John and Vicky Lang welcome you to their front yard oasis featuring a waterfall and rock garden. Enjoy the tranquility in a unique front garden! New this year, the back is also open to garden visitors. Enjoy a total of three water features, flowers aplenty with vegetables and more rocks!
Artist: Jennifer Geiger: Lancaster Art Academy Sunday 10am – 2pm
FB 1,3,5 A,N
Court Street
29 Court Street
Len and Bonnie Campisano welcome you to their fabulously self-made gardens. There are all types of gardens but their garden has a natural manicured look. They have flowers and plants of all kinds and sizes highlighted by their large water garden. Stop by to say hi. They don’t think you’ll be sorry you did. Caution: they do have a small hill to walk down. FSB 1,2,3,5,6
East LaRay (Hamlet of Townline)
1345 E. LaRay Drive
Bridget Pawelczak invites you to see a variety of plants and over 100 roses. She has many varieties of daylilies and hostas as well. This is a new garden to the Lancaster garden walk and we hope you’ll drop by and visit Bridget. FSB 6
1350 E. LaRay Drive
Michele welcomes you to an entire backyard brimming with color of some sort whether it is an annual or perennial. It might be in the ground or in pots. She has a waterfall feature that she designed and built herself. The garden is a mature twenty-two years and every year she adds something new.
Artist: Donna Micheal: She will show you Art prints made by the students at CHC Learning Center. Students have multiple disabilities and are non-verbal. They use communication devices to select their art choices, colors and items to paint with. All sales of artwork provide field trips to students.
FB1,5,7,8,10 A
Field Avenue
93 Field Avenue
Barbara Ceisla welcomes both art fanciers and gardeners to this village lot with delightful gardens surrounding the house and yard. They have over 100 different perennials, shrubs, annuals and vegetables (all with ID tags). A peach tree anchors the backyard shade garden which leads to the new rock garden. There are three water features and many birdbaths for their feathered friends! a mix of perennials and annuals (over 120 plants with ID tags). There are five small water features. Her own art work will also be on display for your enjoyment.
Artist: Barb Ceisla loves to paint birds/flowers and spiritual/healing artwork. Her “birds” are on display at Reinstein Nature Center. She is a member of twin Village Art Society. FSB 1,2,3,5,7,10,11 A
Franklin Street
16 Franklin Street
Colleen Walker invites you into a wild and untamed, yet, relaxing garden. She has lots of hostas and perennials too! She has a special attraction – The Tower Garden. FSB 1,5,7 N
Genesee Street
5962 Genesee Street (in the Town)
Hull Family Home & Farmstead…come visit this wonderful historic home which showcases a peace garden, dedicated in August 2012. It is the size of a small village lot. Come see rock gardens, 50 varieties of hostas, a mix of perennials and annuals, fountain, stone & carved sculptures, and a dying and herb garden – these are all for your viewing enjoyment. S 1,2,3,5 6
Grant Street
32 Grant St.
Stephen and Helen Small invite all to stop by and see their beautiful gardens on a village corner lot. Breath-taking flowers are on the side and back, including over 20 dahlia plants. In the back, wander through a block circle garden and a patio. A must see!
FSB 4,5
73 Grant St.
Debbie and Cliff Hageman invite you to come smell flowers, walk the paths and listen to the birds sing. They are certified as a friendly bird habitat from the National Wildlife Federation. Come see her mom’s honeysuckle bush, her grandmother’s tiger lilies, daisies that their daughters love and all the other favorite perennials, bushes and trees. Gardening makes them happy and they hope you will be too after your visit. For the young gardener, they have a scavenger hunt to find different garden treasures. Their garden comes alive even in the dark. Drive by and see the lights. They are also participants in the National Buffalo Garden festival, Open Garden Series.
Artist: Patti Murray: Patricia Murray is from NYC. She studied art at St Francis Prep. Queens College and the Queens Museum. After putting her art aside during a busy career, she recently started back at her passion with gusto. She will have an array of media including matted photographs, hand painted wine glasses, Handmade jewelry, decorated bottles for use as nightlights or decoration, flower pen bouquets and more. Most of her handmade items and photographs have a floral motif.
FSB 4,5,7,8,9,10 AN
Hemlock Lane
3 Hemlock Lane
Dave and Joanne Twardowski invite all to visit numerous perennial gardens throughout the front yard featuring unique garden art, including hand-painted fire hydrants and antiquities. A blend of old-tyme brick street pavers and rock shape beautiful landscaping and enhance pool and entertainment area. Gardens lovingly designed over years of relaxing summer evenings after a long day of work. FSB 5,7
Iroquois Ave.
165 Iroquois Ave.
John (Brad) and Debbie Willadsen love to garden and invite you to stroll around to view an assortment of colorful annuals and perennials. Enjoy some shade and their hospitality. FSB 4,5
190 Iroquois Ave.
Jack and Cindy Karcher invite you to their second year in the garden walk as their garden expands and evolves. Along with the spice garden, there is a shade garden of hostas and ferns. Enjoy a mix of daylilies, perennials, and ornamental grasses throughout. FSB 1,6,11
Lake Ave.
49 Lake Ave.
Michele and Michael invite you to visit the front yard garden. Perennials are the primary focus of this front yard. Plants were selected to provide spring to fall flowering in a variety of colors. Those adjoining the house include evergreens, azaleas and clematis. Lilies-of-the-Valley edge front beds with primroses, daffodils, irises, forsythia, variegated Weigela, daylilies, cardinal flowers, sedum and asters. F 2,4,5
55 Lake Ave.
Chris Chapman welcomes you to share various raised beds, including lilies, iris and mixed perennial beds. Drive by late and see the night time lights display. F 4,5 N
493 Lake Ave.
Rebecca Anderson invites all to share gardens surrounding the house with a nature preserve behind the garage. This cottage-style garden can be enjoyed from the wrap-around porch.
Artist: Marissa Palermo Lancaster Art Academy Sunday 10am – 2pm
FSB 1,5,8 A
Lakeside Crescent
15 Lakeside Crescent
Mary invites all to an intimate garden area in the rear featuring old apple, pines, and perennials. There is an herb garden alongside the path to the side door kitchen entrance on the breezeway.
Artist: Taylor Koster: Lancaster Art Academy Saturday 10am- 1pm
FB 6 A
Lombardy St.
11 Lombardy
The Tahirak’s welcome you back to see their front/side garden. Last year the addition of the small rock wall to their front bed really brought the front together. The perennials continue to fill in and expand and there were a few new additions. Hopefully, next year the back garden will be ready for the garden walk! FS 4,5,11
14 Lombardy St.
Rich and Lucy Groblewski welcome you to embrace their very small garden retreat. East meets West in this most unusual garden. The front yard is western style with foundation plantings and several flower beds and the backyard continues that way with a brick patio, fire pit, artistic features and many unique plants. Then be prepared to be amazed when you cross the stone bridge to find a Japanese-style garden tea garden complete with a koi pond. The very hidden nature of this private garden reflects an important characteristic of Japanese garden style – secret surprises hidden just beyond what is visible. This completely enclosed, private setting is adorned with cultural artifacts that they have collected, and offers a soothing, serene and mysterious atmosphere you must experience. The Japanese garden is a tradition that expresses the harmony of the earth’s parts, the oneness of all life, and respect and reverence for nature. This is one of the gardens featured in the “Old Home Days” event in 2013 and are also participants of the National Buffalo Garden Festival, Open Garden Series.
FB 1, 2, 6,7,11,12 N
Pavement Road
284 Pavement Road (In the Town)
Mark and Patti Dean welcome you to a yard which has a variety of flowers, trees and ornamental grasses and is embellished with plenty of garden art. There are two large Koi ponds, one with a big waterfall and one with a stream. There is also a miniature garden or two. Participant in the National Buffalo garden Festival, Open Garden Series.
Artists: Emily Martin: Lancaster Art Academy artist Saturday 10am – 12noon
Molly Dunbar: Lancaster Art Academy artist Sunday 10am – 2pm
FSB 1,3,6,7,11 A N
S. Irwinwood Rd.
127 S. Irwinwood Rd.
Ron and Kathleen Krebs offer a spectacular garden presentation. They welcome all again to their garden. Their garden is a happy place especially for their grandchildren, three dogs and all wildlife. Ron tries to reuse and repurpose wood, metal and rock. Annuals, perennials, trees and shrubs are all found here. Water gardens for plants, fish and sound are there as well. They hope you enjoy the garden as much as they enjoy sharing it with you! FSB 1,2,3,6,7
Steinfeldt Road
22 Steinfeldt Road
Come meet Pat Buckley. Her garden description: “Cottage…no, English…no, formal…no way!! We’re Lancaster Looney!! We are whimsical with a little bit of everything. Shade, sun, containers, water features…we have it all. Besides our beautiful gardens and containers, come see our many handcrafted items that add character to our gardens: walking stones, trellises, unique planters, and much more!!! Our gardens will relax and inspire you!!!” FSB 1,2,6,7
Stephens Court
23 Stephens Court
Returning again this year, Tammy and Ken Derkovitz welcome you to their enchanting garden. They are very excited to showcase their garden in this year’s walk. They have a seat by their pond and waterfall for you to sit and relax for awhile. Varieties of annuals and perennials flourishing will satisfy your gardening appetite. Enjoy your day and don’t forget to share. They want to see your garden next year!
Artist: Brianna Mieth: Lancaster Art Academy Sunday 12noon – 3pm
FB 1,3,4,5 A N
27 Stephens Court
Ann Detzler invites you to see volunteer cosmos and sunflowers as they go where they please in her yard! Native shrubs and perennials are there to encourage birds and butterflies to stop and rest. Kiwi vines are new to the pergola. Columnar apple trees, blueberries, raspberries and a peach tree are also found here. I LOVE it all!
Artist: Fran Zulawski: Landscape artist using oil, acrylic and watercolor mediums. She is a member of the Twin Village Art Society and has exhibited at the Roycroft’s Canvas and Cocktails, Impact Art gallery, Burchfield Penney, and the Lancaster Opera House. You can view her artwork on Facebook.
FSB 8,10 A Note: This garden is only open on Saturday
36 Stephens Court
Karen and Bob Deutschlander welcome you to an eclectic suburban ranch with a front landscape of flowers and pots. Follow the stamped concrete around the side and enjoy the miniature village. Step onto the patio for an overview of the entire garden, with the land-locked woods that are filled with perennials, annuals, baskets and more miniature gardens. Enjoy the theme garden (come and play baseball) that changes every year, along with your chance to make a hole-in-one on the “golf course”. We have lots of “garden art” throughout the yard. They love their home and yard and welcome all to come and enjoy it with them! They are also a participant in the Open Gardens of the National Buffalo Garden Festival.
Conrad Borucki: realistic Acrylic Artist stressing the importance of lights and darks. Being an avid gardener himself, nature is emphasized in his work. He is a member of several art societies and has won numerous awards. His work is featured in 2 books highlighting Alden and Lancaster architecture.
Erwin W. Lauffer: Acrylic Landscape Artist. He is a member of Twin Village Art Society and President of Alden Art Club. He has exhibited at: Twin Village Art Show, Alden’s Winterfest, Clarence Presbyterian Church, Grace in Community Church – Alden, Art on the River Walk – Tonawanda and the Olive Tree Restaurant in Lancaster.
FSB 2, 4, 5,7,11 A N
Thornapple Lane
20 Thornapple Lane
Al and Nancy Franjoine offer a property that is 150´ x 150´ with six flower beds that total 180´! Each flower bed has a stone border. Come and see a spectacular display of tropical and perennial hibiscus trees in red, pink and yellow. Many perennial bulbs, hollyhocks and daylilies are surrounded by stone borders. Completing this tropical feeling garden is the beautiful in ground pool. FSB 1,4,5,10,11
Village Gardens
Central & Broadway
We welcome you to one of our village gardens. This garden features a path with garden benches to sit and enjoy. The village gardens are planted & maintained by the Lancaster Garden Club. Call Peg Riexinger (901-2401) if you are interested in becoming a member.
Central & Broadway (Municipal Building)
Come visit the beautiful Village Municipal perennial garden right in the heart of downtown Lancaster
Central Avenue (Town Hall Garden)
A mix of annuals set off the gardens in front. Hostas, roses, daisies plus other perennials grace the back area.
Old Lake & Pardee (Veteran’s Memorial Garden)
A patriotic garden honors our past fallen heroes as well as our heroes who are presently overseas fighting to keep us safe.
Benson, Kurtz and Wilma (Franger Square)
New village garden created by two Lancaster Girl Scouts on a 103 foot by 96 foot piece of property. It was grass and seven trees before the girls created this wonderful new garden space. All materials were donated to the girls for this project. It is hoped that other groups will further develop the property to make this space even more lush and pleasing. Thanks to Lancaster DPW for their help in construction and maintenance and to all the volunteers who worked on this project.
Waltham Avenue
34 Waltham Avenue
Shirley Fohl welcomes you to 34 Waltham where you’ll find a small village lot with a good mix of annuals and perennials. Walk through a shade garden with lots of shade-loving varieties of plants. A back corner shade bed is now completed (under construction for past walks). Her garden is always a work in progress. Whimsical! Please stop by to visit. FB 2,4 5,6,7,8,
West Payne
22 W. Payne
Jack and Betty Stellrecht show you an abundance of hosta, complimented by colorful annuals. A small courtyard garden, a cutting garden and a special Harlequin Maple tree await your visit.. Grab your GPS – they are at the corner of Allen Street and West Payne. FSB 2,6,8,9,11
Woodlawn Ave.
59 Woodlawn Ave.
Returning to the garden walk are Betsy and Greg Young who welcome you to their garden. Discover a mix of perennials and annuals that add to the enjoyment of their backyard patio. Walk over the bridge, over the dry creek bed and relax a minute. All of this is just three years in the making! B 1,3,6
70 Woodlawn Ave.
Kathleen Olsen invites you to her small, whimsical garden that frames her home built in the late 1800’s. Kathy writes, “Come visit with me, how many fairies can you see? Hidden in the flower beds, you can see their wee homesteads, Whimsy to the Nth degree.” (Complimentary fairy nectar and sun – Blessed cookies on Sunday)
Artist: Self
FS 2,5,7,8 A